
Thu, 09/01/2016
2016 Engineering Lecture Series Features CEE Faculty
The 2016 UW College of Engineering fall lecture series "City Smarts: Engineering Resilient Communities" features CEE faculty members who will be sharing their expertise on topics that all share the common theme of creating stronger cities.

Thu, 09/01/2016
A Breath of Fresh Air: Meet Professor Julian Marshall
An air pollution researcher, Professor Julian Marshall joined the UW Civil & Environmental Engineering Department in February 2016 as the John R. Kiely Endowed Professor.

Thu, 09/01/2016
Student Success: William Currier Receives NASA Fellowship
Thanks to a three-year NASA Fellowship, graduate student William Currier will be improving water forecasting by more accurately predicting the amount of water stored as snow in forested areas.

Thu, 09/01/2016
Incoming Faculty Member Michael Gomez Wins Telford Premium Prize
Assistant Professor Michael Gomez, who joins the CEE Department in March 2017, has been honored with a 2016 Telford Premium Journal Prize, which recognizes authors of the top papers published in ICE journals.

Thu, 09/01/2016
Graduate Student Safat Sikder Receives NASA Fellowship
Thanks to a three-year NASA Fellowship, graduate student Safat Sikder will be working to develop cost-effective and sustainable flood forecasting tools for monsoon regions in developing countries.

Mon, 08/01/2016
Satellite-Based Text Message Irrigation Advisory System Helps Pakistani Farmers Stay Above Water
Farmers in Pakistan who grow bananas, wheat and a variety of other crops have started receiving weekly text messages that advise them how much to water their crops, thanks to an irrigation advisory system developed by UW CEE researchers.

Mon, 08/01/2016
Alum Marc Edwards Featured in NYT Magazine
The New York Times Magazine features an in-depth story about alum Marc Edwards (Ph.D. '90), who was named one of the world's most 100 influential people by Time Magazine.

Mon, 08/01/2016
Transportation Expert Jeff Ban Joins UW CEE
UW CEE welcomes new faculty member Jeff Ban, who joins the transportation engineering research group. From designing cars to developing transportation infrastructure, Ban has extensive experience and is eager to address the transportation challenges of today.

Mon, 08/01/2016
Fourth Annual WaterWorks Summer Program
As part of the UW CEE WaterWorks summer program, Seattle-area teachers and students were introduced to the field of environmental engineering, with a focus on learning about the water supply and treatment process.

Fri, 07/01/2016
A Timeless Honor: Alum Marc Edwards Named One of the World's Most Influential People by Time Magazine
Now a professor at Virginia Tech, alum Marc Edwards is a nationally recognized expert on water quality. He was named one of the world's most 100 influential people by Time Magazine for his work to uncover lead poisoning during the Flint water crisis.

Fri, 07/01/2016
Joe Wartman Honored with 2016 Burwell Award for Oso Landslide Research
In recognition of his research on the deadliest United States landslide disaster, Associate Professor Joe Wartman is honored with the GSA's most prestigious prize for engineering geology.

Fri, 07/01/2016
Cleaner Cookstove Adoption Proves Challenging
New research by a team that includes Professor Julian Marshall finds that household air pollution levels were only slightly lower for families that were given cleaner cookstoves.

Wed, 06/01/2016
Concrete Canoe Team Featured on UW Homepage
UW CEE's Concrete Canoe Team is featured in an article on the UW Homepage. The 40-member student team has earned a strong reputation over the years, winning numerous competitions.

Wed, 06/01/2016
Professor Steve Kramer Receives International 2016 Nigel Priestley Prize
The first geotechnical engineer to receive the award, UW CEE Professor Steve Kramer has been honored with the 2016 Nigel Priestley Prize.

Wed, 06/01/2016
UW CEE Celebrates Two Faculty Retirements
The UW CEE Community celebrates the retirements of two faculty members. Mark Benjamin retires after 39 years with the department and David Stensel retires after 32 years.

Wed, 06/01/2016
Concrete Canoe Team Claims 10th Place at Nationals
The UW Concrete Canoe Team claimed 10th place at the National Concrete Canoe Competition at UT Tyler, Texas, this past weekend on June 9-11, 2016.

Wed, 06/01/2016
Congratulations, Graduates! 2016 Graduation Celebration
More than 1,300 people gathered on June 12, 2016, for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering graduation ceremony to celebrate 270 graduates.

Sun, 05/01/2016
Hydropower Research Featured in ASCE Civil Engineering Magazine
CEE Associate Professor Faisal Hossain's hydropower research is featured in the May 2016 edition of the ASCE Civil Engineering Magazine. In the article, Hossain discusses the missed potential for hydropower, which he says is the result of keeping water at reservoirs at lower levels than needed during times of overestimated flooding.

Sun, 05/01/2016
New CEE-Led Center for Air Pollution Research Funded by $10 Million EPA Grant
To address the nation's pressing need for better air quality, a new research center co-directed by Professor Julian Marshall has received a $10 million Air, Climate and Energy grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. The new center will headquarter collaborative research on air pollution management and strategies for improving air quality.

Sun, 05/01/2016
STAR Lab Collision Avoidance Research Featured on KIRO 7
Ph.D. student Ruimin Ke, from the STAR Lab, was featured on KIRO 7 for his work on a collision avoidance project. Pilot technology was installed on 38 buses in the Seattle area, which displays a warning to bus drivers when cars, pedestrians and cyclists get dangerously close.

Sun, 05/01/2016
Don MacKenzie’s Driverless Car Research Featured in The New York Times
An expert on the anticipated environmental impact of self-driving cars, Assistant Professor Don MacKenzie's research was featured in The New York Times and more than 500 other news outlets.

Fri, 04/01/2016
Welcome & Congratulations to Barbara Ivanov!
CEE is pleased to welcome Barbara Ivanov as the Chief Operating Officer of the new Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics Center at the University of Washington!

Tue, 03/01/2016
New Biodegradable Plastic Wins Environmental Innovation Challenge
The $15,000 grand-prize winning team, which includes CEE student Xinyao Ding, impressed judges at the Environmental Innovation Challenge with a new type of biodegradable plastic.

Mon, 02/01/2016
Driverless cars could increase reliance on roads
Driverless vehicles could intensify car use — reducing or even eliminating promised energy savings and environmental benefits, a new study co-authored by a University of Washington engineer finds.

Mon, 02/01/2016
NASA data used to track groundwater in Pakistan
The vast farmlands of Pakistan — a country with an economy based on agriculture — rely on one of the largest continuous irrigation systems in the world. Farmers were once able to depend solely on rivers and man-made canals fed by glaciers and rain.