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Wed, 03/07/2018

Women's work

Two CEE students are redefining the meaning of “women’s work.” Amy Moore and Sidney Hutchison are helping to usher in the next generation of females in the heavy civil construction field, which is largely dominated by men.

Tue, 02/27/2018

CEE researchers receive BPA Public Service Award

Associate professor Bart Nijssen and research scientist and graduate student Oriana Chegwidden received the 2017 Administrator’s Excellence Awards-Exceptional Public Service to BPA Award.

Thu, 02/22/2018

New research aims to reduce failed deliveries, improve Seattle congestion

Getting packages in the hands of online shoppers while alleviating traffic congestion is the goal of a team of UW CEE researchers who are addressing the complicated last leg of urban deliveries called "The Final 50 Feet." 

Thu, 02/08/2018

Anne Goodchild Named 2017 Person of the Year by Transportation Club of Seattle

Professor Anne Goodchild was honored by The Transportation Club of Seattle for her contributions to the transportation field. 

Wed, 02/07/2018

Marc Eberhard Named PSEC Academic Engineer of the Year

Professor Marc Eberhard has received the PSEC 2018 Academic Engineer of the Year Award in recognition of his dedication to students and his innovative earthquake engineering research.

Mon, 02/05/2018

New India Study Abroad Program underway

As part of a new India Study Abroad Program, 17 students are learning about and working on solutions to various grand challenges such as water scarcity, food insecurity, clean energy, pressures of urban growth and more.

Fri, 01/19/2018

Record participation at CEE Career Fair

More employers means even more connections were made at the 12th annual UW CEE Career Fair on January 18. The career fair was the largest yet, with a 48% increase in industry participation.

Thu, 12/28/2017 | UW Columns

Electric bike on a budget

CEE graduate Behyad Ben Tarassoli (BSCE '11) is the founder of Propella, a Seattle startup that sells electric bikes.


Wed, 12/27/2017

Dedicated to research with real-world applications, professor Charles Roeder retires

During his 40-year career, professor Charles Roeder conducted research that translated into practical solutions for professional engineers in the field.

Mon, 12/18/2017

Meet new faculty member David Shean

CEE welcomes incoming faculty member David Shean, who joins the department as an assistant professor starting winter quarter. 

Fri, 12/08/2017

Start-up success: MicroHAOPS

Founded by CEE emeritus professor Mark Benjamin and alumnus Nathan Cai, MicroHAOPS is developing technology to significantly increase the rate at which water purification processes produce clean drinking water.

Neil & AnnHawkins

Thu, 11/30/2017

Longtime donors Neil and Ann Hawkins ‘get a boost’ out of giving

For longtime UW CEE supporters Neil and Ann Hawkins, education is a value the couple strongly champions. Over the years, the couple has established a total of five funds. Their signature funds are the Neil and Ann Hawkins Prize and the Neil and Ann Hawkins Scholarship.

Tue, 11/28/2017

Earthshaking information

In the aftermath of the Central Mexico earthquake, a team of researchers including professor Pedro Arduino and Jake Dafni travel to Mexico to gather perishable data.

Mon, 11/20/2017 | College of Engineering

Global engineers

Study abroad programs give students the opportunity to develop a global perspective. Engineering Rome, a program offered through Civil & Environmental Engineering, challenges students to understand what engineer has been — and what it can be — while navigating thousands of years of engineering history.

Tue, 11/14/2017

Molly Grear makes Forbes '30 under 30 in Energy' list

Ph.D. student Molly Grear is one of two UW students named to Forbes magazine’s list of the top 30 people under the age of 30 who are working on energy initiatives with the goal of creating a more sustainable future.

Tue, 10/31/2017

Water research repository funded by $4 million NSF grant

To solve water-related problems more efficiently through enhanced sharing of data and models, a team of researchers including Christina Bandaragoda and Bart Nijssen have received a $4 million NSF grant.

Thu, 10/19/2017

Developing ‘breakaway’ tsunami resistant buildings

To better protect communities during tsunamis, a faculty team comprised of Dawn Lehman, Michael Motley, Charles Roeder and Pedro Arduino have received a $1 million NSF grant to develop a new structural system.

Mon, 10/16/2017

Flood and landslide risk research funded by NSF grant

To improve flood and landslide prediction, a research team led by CEE faculty Erkan Istanbulluoglu and Alexander Horner-Devine has received a four-year $1.7 million NSF PREEVENTS grant.

Wed, 10/11/2017

Sustainable smart cities research funded by $2.5 million NSF grant

To create smart cities that consider the overall health of residents, a team of researchers including professor Julian Marshall has received an NSF grant.  

Mon, 10/02/2017

Seattle Times op-ed highlights local need for earthquake resiliency

In light of recent earthquakes, CEE faculty Marc Eberhard and Jeffrey Berman urge Seattle residents to make older buildings safer.

Thu, 09/28/2017

NSF grant funds transient rip current research

To reduce water contamination and beach fatalities, a team of researchers including assistant professor Nirnimesh Kumar will investigate transient rip currents thanks to a three-year National Science Foundation grant.

Thu, 09/21/2017

Wave Glider gathers data in Antarctica

For the first time, a robotic surfboard called a Wave Glider gathered data in hazardous waters near Antarctica. Led by associate professor Jim Thomson, the project aims to gather data that can be used to assess the Earth's climate.

Fri, 09/15/2017

After 36 years, professor Scott Rutherford retires

After 36 years with CEE, professor Scott Rutherford is retiring. Highlights during his career include serving as department chair, implementing the campus-wide U-PASS program and founding a new online master’s program.

Thu, 09/14/2017

People of color still exposed to more air pollution

Pollution exposure for minority groups is still a big problem, according to a new nationwide study conducted by a team of researchers led by CEE professor Julian Marshall.

Thu, 09/14/2017

Faculty win $2.7 million DARPA grant to advance wastewater treatment technology

CEE faculty members will advance a promising new wastewater treatment technology thanks to a two-year $2.7 million DARPA grant.