UW CEE hosts visitors from around the world, thanks to the Burges Endowed Visiting Professorship program. The program provides financial support that enables visitors from other universities to share their expertise and collaborate on research with faculty and students from UW CEE.
Visitors from other universities are invited to participate if they have a unique skillset and have “demonstrated leadership in addressing issues of civil and environmental engineering within the context of the overall ecosystem, as influenced by human endeavors and interactions.”
How to apply to be a visiting professor
Visiting faculty
Name/title | Institution | Research conducted | Year |
City College of New York, CUNY |
Hansong Tang is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York, CUNY. His research focuses on fluid mechanics, numerical methods, and computational physics. He studies fluid flows in contexts such as coastal flooding, tidal energy, environmental pollution, material processing, and explosion within water. Additionally, he pursues the development of computational methods, including multiblock simulation and model coupling for multiscale, multiphysics coastal ocean flows, as well as algorithm construction, e.g., to enhance numerical accuracy and capture physics. During the visit, he intends to engage in discussions and explore potential collaborations with UW faculty sharing common or complementary interests/expertise, including in coastal resilience and field observation. He also seeks interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities, such as bridging fluid dynamics and traffic pattern modeling. |
2025 | |
University of Buffalo |
Ning is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. Her research examines the chemical and physical processes involved in engineered water treatment and reuse systems, such as disinfection, disinfection byproducts, and membrane processes. She also studies the sunlight photochemistry of anthropogenic contaminants in natural environments. While at UW, Ning will engage in collaborative research on contaminant degradation relevant to urban waters and impervious surfaces. She will also exchange experiences in engineering design courses, give a research seminar, and meet various research groups and students in CEE. |
2022 | |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Steve is Professor of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. His research is in transportation engineering and operations research, specifically focusing on transportation network analysis, routing and equilibrium traffic assignment, and modeling techniques to plan for emerging vehicle technologies. He is also lead author on a new open-access textbook on these topics. While at UW he will collaborate on research topics related to equity impacts of transportation policies, and human factors related to automated vehicles. He will also teach a course on transportation systems, give a research seminar, and meet various research groups and students in CEE. |
2022 | |
University of Colorado Boulder |
Karl is a Professor of Environmental Engineering and the Mortenson Professor in Sustainable Development at the University of Colorado Boulder. His expertise involves novel water and wastewater treatment systems, including advanced and innovative UV systems for inactivation of pathogens and degradation of organic and other emerging contaminants. He also works in sustainable implementation of water and sanitation technologies globally. While at UW he will collaborate on UV-related research for contaminant degradation, and on sanitation solutions in marginalized communities. He will also teach a series of classes in water reuse, give a research seminar, and meet various research groups and students in CEE. |
2022 | |
![]() Professor Timo Hartmann |
TU Berlin |
Timo is Professor for Systems Engineering at the TU Berlin. where he is responsible for the teaching program of the Civil Systems Engineering department. The department offers a Masters Program in Civil Systems Engineering teaching students advanced engineering practices, such as generative design, multi-physics simulation, life-cycle and circular product assessment, and data analytics. At the same time, Timo manages the research of the department with a focus on Circular Economy for the Built Environment and Complex Infrastructure System Management. Timo is deputy editor of Construction, Engineering, and Architectural Management and chief editor of Advanced Engineering Informatics. During his visit at UW, Timo will explore the organizational ramifications that a change of engineering work towards a digital practice will cause, with a particular focus on how the ongoing digitization will affect minorities within the engineering workforce. While at UW, Timo will also teach a class in Integrated Collaborative Engineering practice and a PhD seminar titled "The role and future of civil engineering as a profession". |
2022 |
![]() Dr. Khalid Kadir |
Presidio Graduate School and UC Berkeley |
Khalid is an Adjunct Professor at Presidio Graduate School as well as a Continuing Lecturer at UC Berkeley. At UC Berkeley, he teaches courses in the Global Poverty & Practice program, Political Economy, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. After completing his PhD in Environmental Engineering at Berkeley, Khalid focused his research on the complex role that engineering expertise plays in the politics of international development and poverty alleviation, and his current work focuses on the intersection of poverty, expertise, and politics. He is a recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award, UC Berkeley’s most prestigious honor for teaching. Watch Kadir’s 2020 Burges Endowed Visiting Professor Lecture |
2020 |
![]() Professor Stephen Monismith |
Stanford University | Professor Monismith’s research spans a wide range of topics from small-scale physical-biological interactions in phytoplankton and benthic systems to coral reefs, stratified turbulence and estuarine hydrodynamics and mixing processes. During his visit to UW, Monismith presented two talks: a CEE Departmental lecture on "Salinity Intrusion in San Francisco Bay" and a Physical Oceanography seminar in the School of Oceanography on "Drag over Living Roughness." He also met with faculty and students from CEE, Oceanography and Mechanical Engineering. | 2019 |
![]() Professor Matthew Sturm |
University of Alaska Fairbanks | One of the leading Arctic snow scientists in the world, Professor Sturm has led more than 15 Arctic winter expeditions, authored numerous books and has served on numerous high-profile national councils to guide Arctic research and development. During his visit to UW CEE, he presented two public lectures and met with students to provide feedback on research projects. | 2019 |
Professor Jorge Huete-Perez |
University of Central America, Nicaragua | 2016 | |
![]() Professor Jeffrey Dozier |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Professor Dozier’s research interests are in the fields of snow hydrology, Earth system science, remote sensing, and information systems. While at UW, Dozier led a short-course for graduate students on snow and remote sensing, gave several public lectures (attended by students and professors in CEE, ESS, CSE and SEFS), and worked on research collaboration with faculty, leading to a publication that appeared in Remote Sensing of the Environment in 2019. | 2016 |
![]() Professor Massimiliano Fabbricino |
University of Naples Federico II, Italy | Professor Fabbricino’s research interests include anaerobic treatment of solid waste, resource recovery, remediation of contaminated soils, formation of disinfection by-products, environmental chemistry of heavy metals and others. During his time at UW, Fabbricino participated in research on the effects of desalinated water on the stability of drinking water distribution systems. He also contributed to research concerned with the characterization of the reactivity of natural organic matter formed in major fluvial systems, such as the Rio Negro basin in South America. | 2012-2013 |
![]() Assistant professor Christian Ledezma |
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile | Professor Ledezma’s research focuses on the areas of geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil-structure interaction, effects of liquefaction on the built environment, and applications of performance-based design to geotechnical engineering. Through a Fulbright NEXUS fellowship, together with an assistant professor appointment at UW, he collaborated with faculty on research activities related to effects of lateral spreading on bridge foundations. | 2011-2012 |
![]() Associate professor Jacek Makinia |
Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland | Currently the head of the Sanitary Engineering Department at Gdańsk University of Technology, professor Makinia’s research interests are nutrient removal and recovery, mathematical modeling and simulations of wastewater treatment processes, and energy optimization of wastewater treatment processes. While at UW, he worked with faculty and graduate students to model both the fate and removal of important endocrine disruptor chemicals and the fate and conversion of nitrogen in wastewater treatment. Three publications resulted from the collaboration. | 2010 |