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Industry Uses

The Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory is available to the civil engineering and construction industry in the Pacific Northwest.

With a large-scale testing facility to meet specific project needs, the facility is often used to perform tests for structural engineering design firms, contractors and suppliers. To learn more about utilizing the Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory to support your project needs, please contact the laboratory director.

Examples of Commercial Testing

The Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory provides unique testing capabilities to support the following regional and national engineering and construction needs:

  • Compression testing and/or calibration of hydraulic rams, marine fenders and other equipment and structures using one of three UTMs (110 kip, 300 kip and 2,400 kip)
  • Tension testing of high strength bars, bolts and wire rope using a UTM
  • Flexural and shear testing of beams, piles and other structural systems
  • Fatigue testing of bridge bearings under combined loading
  • Dynamic testing of electrical equipment on a single axis shake table
  • Fatigue testing of connections, welds, epoxy joints, etc.
  • Concrete creep testing
  • Material testing for metals, concrete and composites
  • Custom testing for a range of loading conditions and applications

Example applications

Hydraulic ram undergoing compression testing

Hydraulic Rams

Marine fender undergoing compression testing

Marine Fender

Tension Testing Rods at the Top of the 2,400 kip UTM

Tension Testing Rods at the Top of the 2,400 kip UTM

High Strength Rods undergoing tension testing

High Strength Rods

Wire Rope undergoing tension testing

Wire Rope

Hanger Bars Used at Washington State Ferry Docks undergoing tension testing

Hanger Bars Used at Washington State Ferry Docks

Timber Bridge Stringers undergoing Flexural Testing

Timber Bridge Stringers

Steel Pile Couplers undergoing Flexural Testing

Steel Pile Couplers

Welded Bridge Joint undergoing Fatigue Testing

Welded Bridge Joint

Hanger Bars Used at Washington State Ferry Docks undergoing Fatigue Testing

Hanger Bars Used at Washington State Ferry Docks

Low-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Bridge Steels
Low-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Bridge Steels close up

Low-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Bridge Steels

Plinth and Rail Connections for Sound Transit

Plinth and Rail Connections for Sound Transit