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Water Resources Series Technical Reports

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WRS017 Richey, E.P.; Strausser, The Mossyrock Dam: Hydraulic Model Investigation, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1965

WRS018 Strausser, ; Unrue, The Mossyrock Dam: Hydraulic Model Investigation of Revised Plunge, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , February 1966

WRS019 Richey, E.P.; Nece, R.E. Reflected Waves in Lake Washington, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , July 1966

WRS021 LaRock, Robert G. Infiltration Beneath A Forest Floor, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , February 1967

WRS022 Richey, E.P., Fluid Mechanics of Downstream Fish Passage Structures, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , September 1967

WRS023 Nece, R.E. Stream Temperature Study, North Fork Snoqualmie River, WA, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , January 1968

WRS024 Martig, Kenneth W.; Campbell, Thomas W. Serial Correlation in Annual Stream Runoff, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1968

WRS026 Nece, R.E. Hydraulic and Mixing Characteristics of Suction Manifolds, Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1969

WRS027 Stolte, William J.; Campbell, Thomas, H. Physical Influences on Flow Serial Correlation Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1969

WRS029 Stolte, William J.; Richey, E.P. Flow Serial Correlation and Related Streamflow Generation Models Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1970

WRS030 Hunt, Bruce W.; Ishaq, Achi Mohamed Groundwater Seepage Past Sharp and Rounded Corners Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1971

WRS031 Nece, R.E.; Kent, J.C. Hydraulic Modeling Study: Simulated Juvenile Salmon Migration Past Cooling-Water Discharge Jet Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , July 1971

WRS032 Nece, R.E.; Richey, E.P., Wave Transmission Tests of Floating Breakwater for Oak Harbor Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , April 1972

WRS033 Richey, E.P.; Nece, R.E. Lake Crockett Small Boat Basin Circulation Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , October 1972

WRS034 Nece, R.E.; Littler Round Horizontal Thermal-Buoyant Jet in a Cross Flow Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1973

WRS035 Nece, R.E.; Tweedt; Richey, E.P., Hydraulic Model Study of Closure of the East Waterway, Duwamish River Estuary Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , June 1973

WRS036 Richey, E.P.; Morden, D.B.; Hartz, B.J. Attenuation of Random Deep Water Waves by a Porous Walled Breakwater Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab) , August 1973

WRS038 Burges, Stephen J.; Hillmer, Stephen Data and Administration Considerations for Two District Flood Plain Zoning Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), July 1974

WRS039 Lettenmaier, D.P. Design of Monitoring Systems for Detection of Trends in Stream Quality Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), August 1975 -->

WRS041 Bates, Courtney L.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Burges, Stephen J. Tables of Parameters for the Three Parameter Log Normal Probability Distribution Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), July 1974

WRS042 Nece, R.E.; Welch, E.B.; Reed, J.R. Flushing Criteria for Salt Water Marinas Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1975

WRS043 Richey, E.P.; Adee, B.H. Review of Floating Breakwater for Bar Point Harbor, Ketchikan, AK. Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1975

WRS044 Burges, Stephen J.; Maknoon, Reza A Systematic Examination of Issues in Conjunctive Use of Ground and Surface Waters Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), October 1975

WRS045 Burges, Stephen J. ; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Operational Comparison of Stochastic Streamflow Generation Procedures Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1975

WRS046 Froise, Syver Least Cost Control Strategies in Urban Drainage Design - A Dynamic Programming Approach Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1975

WRS048 Hardt, Richard A. ;Burges, Stephen J. Some Consequences of Area Wide Runoff Control Strategies in Urban Watersheds Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1976

WRS051 Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Detection of Trends in Stream Quality: Monitoring Network Design and Data Analysis Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1977

WRS053 Richey, E.P., ; Smith, Norman H. Birch Bay Marina: Hydraulics of Proposed Expansion Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1977

WRS054 Houck, Mark Hedrich; Cleland, Bruce R. Water Resources Planning and Management: Optimization Modeling of Reservoir Systems Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1977

WRS055 Richey, E.P.,; Smith, Norman H. Squalicum Small Boat Basin Flushing Characteristics by Hydraulic Model Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), December 1977

WRS057 Kemp, Gary J. ; Burges, Stephen J. Hydrologic Modeling and Data Requirements for Analysis of Urban Streamflow Management Alternatives Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1978

WRS058 Burges, Stephen J.; Hoshi, Kiyoshi Incorporation of Forecasted Seasonal Runoff Volumes into Reservoir Management Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1978

WRS059 Lettenmaier, D.P. ; Waddle, Terry R. Forecasting Seasonal Snowmelt Runoff: Summary of Experience with Two Models Applied to Three Cascade Mountain, WA Drainages Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), November 1978

WRS060 Richey, E.P.; Nece, R.E. South Fork Tolt Dam: Spillway Model Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1979

WRS062 Nece, R.E.; Richey, E.P.,; Rhee, Joonpyo; Smith, N.H. Effects of Planform Geometry on Tidal Flushing and Mixing in Marinas Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1980

WRS063 Nece, R.E.; Smith, N.H.; Richey, E.P., Tidal Circulation and Flushing in Five Western Washington Marinas Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1980

WRS064 Lettenmaier, D.P. ; Burges, Stephen J. Reliability of Cyclic Surface Groundwater Storage Systems for Water Supply: A Preliminary Assessment Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1980

WRS066 Nece, R.E.; Vilker, Robert P. Field Tests to Verify Equations for Predicting Lateral Velocity Distributions in Rivers Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1980

WRS067 Nece, R.E.; Forsyth, Grant W. Annotated Bibliography on Tidal Flushing and Circulation in Marinas Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), June 1980

WRS068 Lettenmaier, DP; Erickson, Karol A. ; Parkinson, David B. Evaluation of Snowmelt Forecasting Methods Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), December 1980

WRS069 Lettenmaier, D.P. ; Burges, Stephen J. Estimation of Flood Frequence Changes in the Toutle and Cowlitz River Basins Following the Eruption of Mt. St. Helens Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), September 1981

WRS070 Nece, R.E.; Richey, E.P.; Ratnayake, Senaka South Fork Tolt Dam Model Study: Proposed Spillway Modifications Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), May 1981

WRS072 Draper, Sarah H. ; Palmer, Richard N.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Burges, Stephen J. Water Resource System Reliability Under Drought Conditions: The Seattle Water Supply System as a Case Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), September 1981

WRS073 Erickson, K.A.; Palmer, R.N.; Lettenmaier, D.P. An Interactive Simulation Model for Cedar/Tolt Water Supply System Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), January 1981

WRS074 Georgiadis,Constantinos; Hartz, Billy J. A Computer Program for the Dynamic Analysis of Continuous Floating Structures in Short Crested Waves Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), April 1982

WRS075 Lettenmaier, D.P.; Conquest, Loveday L.; Hughes, James Routine Streams and Rivers Water Quality Trend Monitoring Review Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), April 1975

WRS076 Leytham, K. Malcolm Physical Consideration in the Analysis and Synthesis of Hydrologic Sequences Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1982

WRS077 Welch, E.B.; Nece, R.E.; Brenner, M.V.; Carlson, K.L. Evaluation of Moses Lake Dilution Water Resources Series Technical Reports, July 1982

WRS078 Trial, Walker T.; Welch, Eugene B. Ammonium in the Duwamish Estuary: Nitrification, Sediment Release and Toxicity Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), July 1982

WRS079 Dally, Lisa K.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Burges, Stephen J.; Benjamin, Mark M. Operation of Detention Facilities for Stream Quality Enhancement Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), July 1983

WRS080 Carlson, Kenneth; Welch, Eugene,B Evaluation of Moses Lake Dilution: Phase II Water Resources Series Technical Reports (Harris Hydraulics Lab), August 1983

WRS081 Lawrence, Jody;  Lee, Kain;  Palmer, Richard N. The Water Budget: A Step Towards Balancing Fish and Power in the Columbia River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1983

WRS082 Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Burges, Stephen J.; Datta, Bithin Assessment in Changes in Storm and Seasonal Runoff Response of Watershed Impacted by Mt. St. Helens Ash Deposition Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1983

WRS083 Snyder, Regina M.; Palmer, Richard N.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. The Effects of Instream Flow Requirement on Water Supply Reliability. The Cedar/Tolt System as a Case Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 1983

WRS084 Miller, Robert W.; Christensen, Derald R.; Nece, R.E.; Hartz, Billy J. Rigid Body Motion of a Floating Breakwater: Seakeeping Prediction and Field Measurements Water Resources Series Technical Reports, February 1984

WRS085 Mar, B.W.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Horner, R.; Eggars, Douglas; Palmer, R.N.; Portele, G.; Richey, J.S.; Welch, E.B.; Wiens, G.; Yearsley J. Sampling Design for Aquatic Ecological: Monitoring, Phase I Report Water Resources Series Technical Reports, April 1974

WRS086 Mar, B.W.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Horner, R.; Palmer, R.N.; Richey, E.P.; Millard; Thomas Sampling Design for Aquatic Ecological: Phase II Report, Vol. I Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September, 1983

WRS087 Mar, B.W.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Horner, R.; Palmer, R.N.; Richey, E.P.; Millard, Thomas Sampling Design for Aquatic Ecological: Phase II Report, Vol. II Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1983

WRS088 Kuriki, Minoru; Burges, Stephen J.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Hydrologic Estimation for Sizing of Small Hydropower Generation Facilities Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1984

WRS089 Cohn, Julia L.; Palmer, Richard N. ; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Complexity as a Measure of Simulation Model Appropriateness: Columbia River Conflict Resolution as a Case Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1984

WRS090 Ratnayake,Senaka C.B.; Christensen, Donald R.; Nece, R.E.; Hartz, Billy J. Linear and Non-Linear Dynamic Response Breakwaters in Directional Seas Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 1984

WRS091 Christensen, Donald R. Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for Breakwater Data Acquisition and Analysis System Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 1984

WRS092 Ferguson, John F.; Benjamin, Mark M.; McCarthy, Joseph L.; Richer, Neil L. High Rate Anaerobic Treatment of Evaporator Condensates Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 1985

WRS093 Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi Discrete-Time Point Process Models for Daily Rainfall Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 1985

WRS094 Strecker,Eric W.; Chu, Wen-sen; Lettenmaier, D.P. Evaluation of Data Requirement for Groundwater Contaminant to Transport Modeling Water Resources Series Technical Reports, May 1985

WRS096 Schanz, Robert W.; Palmer, Richard N. Evaluation of the Expansion of Walsh Lake Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1985

WRS097 Welch, E.B.; Horner, R.; Spyridakis, D.E.; Shuster, J.I. Response of Lake Sammamish to Past and Future Phosphorus Loading Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1985

WRS098 Horner, R.R.; Wonacott, Steven R. Performance Evaluation of a Detention Basin and Coalescing Plate Oil Separator for Treating Urban Stormwater Runoff Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1985

WRS101 Lettenmaier, D.P.; Scheibe, Timothy D. Risk-Based Selection of Monitoring Wells for Assessment of Agricultural Chemical Contamination Water Resources Series Technical Reports, April 1986

WRS102 Johnson, Douglas M. Multi-Objective Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: An Application of Fuzzy Set Theory Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1986

WRS103 Lund, Jay R. Metering Utility Services: Theory and Water Supply Application Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 1986

WRS105 Holmes, K. John; Chu, Wen-sen Field Application of Parameter Identification in Groundwater Contaminant Transport Model: A Case Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1987

WRS106 Welch, E.B.; Oppenheimer, J. ; Spyridakis, D.E.; Horner, R. Silver Lake Water Quality, Nutrient Loading and Management Water Resources Series Technical Reports, May 1988

WRS107 Mishalani, Nabeel R.; Palmer, Richard N. Forecast Uncertainty in Reservoir Operation: A Case Study Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1987

WRS108 Horner, Richard R.; Welch, Eugene B.; Butkus, Stephen R.; Spyridakis, Dimitris E. Management Significance of Bioavailable Phosphorus in Urban Runoff Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1987

WRS109 Chu, Wen-sen; Flennikan, Kathleen Dillon; Liou, Jiing-Yih Numerical Modeling of Tide and Circulation in Central Puget sound: Comparison of a Three-Dimensional and a Depth-Averaged Model Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1988

WRS110 Lettenmaier, D.P.; Gan, Thian Yew; Dawdy, David Interpretation of Hydrologic Climate Change in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin, CA Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1988

WRS111 Gan, Thian Yew Applications of Scientific Modeling of Hydrologic Responses from Hypothetical Small Catchments to Assess a Complex Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Model Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1988

WRS112 Spence, Lynn R.; Palmer, Richard N. INLET: An Interactive National Language Environment for a Water Resources Database Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1989

WRS115 Hooper, Eric R.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Optimal Operation of the Salt River Project, AZ Water Resources Series Technical Reports, April 1989

WRS116 Yearsley, John R. State Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: A Framework for the Assessment of Model Comprehension and Data Worth on Evaluating Systems Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1989

WRS117 Burges, Stephen J.; Stoker, Bruce A.; Wigmosta, Mark S.; Moeller, Rodney A. Hydrologic Information and Analyses Required for Mitigating Hydrologic Effects of Urbanization Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1989

WRS118 Welch, E.B.; Jones, Clain A.; Barbiero, Richard P. Moses Lake Quality: Results of Dilution, Sewage Diversion and BMPs - 1977 through 1988 Water Resources Series Technical Reports, July 1989

WRS119 Nishida, Shinji; Palmer, Richard N. The Development an Application of FRESH: Fuzzy Reasoning Shell Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 1989

WRS123 Zhang, Weihua Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of Overland Flow with Special Variation in its Physical Characteristics Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1990

WRS125 Waggoner, Collin H.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Monitoring Network Design for Risk Based Groundwater Remediation Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1990

WRS126 Chenlai, Chia-Ling; , Lettenmaier, D.P. Evaluation of Extended Stream Flow Prediction, Runoff Forecasts Using a Statistical Water Balance Model Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1990

WRS128 Liou, Jiing-Yih; Chu, Wen-sen Numerical Modeling of Tides and Currents in Central Puget Sound and Elliott Bay Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1991

WRS129 Bowers, Michael S.; Lettenmaier, D.P. Hazardous Waste Site Case Studies: An Analytical Approach for Environmental Managers Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS130 Balocki, James B.; Burges, Stephen J. A Preliminary Examination of Relationships Between Catchment Characteristics and Volumes of Infrequent Large Floods Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS132 Jabs, Donna A. ; Palmer, Richard N. Evaluation of a Decision Support System for the Prioritization of Multimedia Facilities Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS133 Welch, E.B.; Totorica, R.J.; Horner, R. Approach to Developing Nutrient Loading Criteria for Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS134 Karpack, Lawrence M.; Palmer, Richard N. The Use of Simulation Modeling to Evaluate the Effect of Regionalization of Water Supply Performance Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS135 Welch, E.B.; Spyridakis, D.E.; Beilen, James E. Lake Twelve Quality, Nutrient Loading and Management Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS136 Welch, E.B.; Whiley, Anthony J.; Spyridakis, D.E. Horseshoe Lake Quality, Nutrient Loading and Management Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1991

WRS137 Wigmosta, Mark S.; Burges, Stephen J.; Meena, Jack M. Modeling and Monitoring to Predict Spatial and Temporal Hydrologic Characteristics in Small Catchments Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1994

WRS138 Burges, Stephen J.; Coho, Carol Dam-Break Floods in Low Order Mountain Channels of the Pacific Northwest Water Resources Series Technical Reports, June 1994

WRS139 Barros, Ana P. Modeling of Orographic Precipitation with Multilevel Coupling of Land-Atmospheric Interactions Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1993

WRS142 Sias, Joan C.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Potential Effects of Climatic Warming on the Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports , October 1994

WRS143 Haddeland, Ingjerd; Lettenmaier, D.P. Hydrologic Modeling of Boreal Forest Ecosystems Water Resources Series Technical Reports, April 1995

WRS144 Abdulla, Fayez; Lettenmaier, D.P. Regionalization of a Microscale Hydrological Model Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 1995

WRS145 Welch, E.B.; Cooke, G. Dennis Effectiveness and Longevity of Alum Treatment in Lakes Water Resources Series Technical Reports , August 1995

WRS147 Kolsti, Kyle F.; Burges, Stephen J.; Jensen, Bruce W. Hydrologic Response of Residential-Scale Lawns on Till Containing Various Amounts of Compost Amendment Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1995

WRS148 Konrad, Christopher P.; Burges, S.J.; Jensen, Bruce W. An Examination of Stormwater Detention and Infiltration at the Scale of an Individual Residence in the Sammamish Plateau Region of King County, WA Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 1995

WRS149 Konrad, Christopher P.; Kolsti, Kyle; Streibe, Sandra; Jensen,Bruce W.; Burges, Stephen J. Alternatives for Limiting Stormwater Production and Runoff in Residential Catchments Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1995

WRS150 Koivusato, Harri J.; Burges, Stephen J. Use of a One-Dimensional Snow Cover Model to Analyze Measured Snow Depth and Snow Temperature Data from Southern Finland Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 1996

WRS152 Welch, E.B. Control of Phosphorous by Harvesting & Alum Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 1996

WRS153 Kenward, Tracy; Lettenmaier, D.P. Assessment of Required Accuracy of Digital Elevation Data for Hydrologic Modeling Water Resources Series Technical Reports, February 1997

WRS154 May,C.W.; Welch, E.B.; Horner, R.R.; Karr, J.R. and Mar, B.W. Stream Quality Indices for Urbanization Effects in Puget Sound Lowland Streams Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 1997

WRS155 Bowling, Laura; Lettenmaier, D.P. Evaluation of the Effects of Forest Roads on Streamflow in Hard and Ware Creeks, Washington Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 2002

WRS156 Kirschbaum, Robin; Lettenmaier, D.P. An Evaluation of the Effects of Anthropogenic Activity on Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 1997

WRS157 Costas -Cabral, Mariza C. Effects of Spatial Constraints on Channel Network Topology: Implications for Geomorphological Inference Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 1998

WRS158 LaMarche, Jonathan; Lettenmaier, D.P. Effects of Flood Flows in the Deschutes River Water Resources Series Technical Reports, November 1998

WRS159 Dubin, Anthony M.; Lettenmaier, D.P. Assessing the Influence of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Hydrologic Modeling Water Resources Series Technical Reports, January 1999

WRS160 DeVries, Paul Scour in Low Gradient Gravel Bed Streams: Patterns, Processes, and Implications for the Survival of Salmonid Embryos Water Resources Series Technical Reports, February 1999

WRS161 Storck, Pascal Trees, Snow and Flooding: An investigation of Forest Canopy Effects on Snow Accumulation and Melt at the Plot and Watershed Scales in te Pacific Northwest Water Resources Series Technical Reports, November 2000

WRS162 Nijssen, Bart Aspects of Boreal Forest Hydrology: From Stand to Watershed Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 2000

WRS163 Hillard, Ulysses Updating a Macroscale Hydrologic Model with Satellite Scatterometer data Water Resources Series Technical Reports, February 2001

WRS164 Konrad, Christopher P. The Frequency and Extent of Hydrologic Disturbances in Streams in the Puget Lowland, Washington Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 2000

WRS165 Vanshaar, James Effects of Land Cover Change on the Hydrologic Response of Pacific Northwest Forested Catchments Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 2002

WRS166 Miller, Adrienne V. ; Burges, Stephen J.; Horner, Richard R. Hydrologic Monitoring of the Seattle Ultra-Urban Stormwater Management Projects Water Resources Series Technical Reports, April 2001

WRS167 Cherkauer, Keith Aric Understanding the Hydrologic Effects of Frozen Soil Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 2001

WRS168 Sansone, Amy Lynn A GIS-Based Temperature Model For The Prediction of Maximum Stream Temperatures in the Cascade Mountain Region Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 2001

WRS169 Gopalakrishna, Goteti; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Effects of Streamflow Regulation and Land Cover Change on the Hydrology of the Mekong River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, December 2001

WRS170 Horner, Richard R.; Heungkook, Lim ; Burges, Stephen J. Hydrologic Monitoring of the Seattle Ultra-Urban Stormwater Management Projects Water Resources Series Technical Reports, September 2002

WRS171 Adam, Jennifer C.; Lettenmaier, D.P. Adjustment of Global Gridded Precipitation for Systematic Bias Water Resources Series Technical Reports, August 2002

WRS172 Maurer, Edwin P. Predictability of Runoff in the Mississippi River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 2002

WRS173 Hill, Kristina; Botsford, Erik; Booth, Derek B. A Rapid Land Cover Classification Method for use in Urban Watershed Analysis Water Resources Series Technical Reports, March 2003

WRS174 Payne, Jeffrey T.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Potential Implications of Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, July 2002

WRS175 Bowling, Laura; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Estimating the Freshwater Budget of High-Latitude Land Areas Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 2002

WRS176 Christiansen, Niklas Smith; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Effects of climate change on the Hydrology and Water Resource of the Colorado River Basin Water Resources Series Technical Reports, October 2002

WRS177 Wood, Andrew; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. Using Climate Model Ensemble Forecasts for Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction Water Resources Series Technical Reports, January 2004

WRS178 Doten, C.O. and D.P. Lettenmaier Prediction of Sediment Erosion and Transport with the Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model, WRS Series Technical Report No. 178, August 2004