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Educational Uses

UW Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Each year up to 15 graduate research assistants, both master’s and Ph.D. students, conduct experiments in the Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory with support from research grants and private industry. Additionally, the Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory supports numerous undergraduate research experiences and routinely hires undergraduates to provide staff support for laboratory operations. The Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory is also used to support laboratory activities associated with structural engineering courses and student club activities such as the ASCE/AISC Steel Bridge Team, UW Concrete Canoe Team and PCI Big Beam Team.

K-12 Outreach

Additional education and outreach activities include providing laboratory tours to middle school and high school groups, internships for high school students, and activities as part of the College of Engineering Discovery Days. For additional information about these activities, and for opportunities to participate, please contact the laboratory director.