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Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

Hydrology, water resources, and environmental fluid mechanics engineering encompass the planning, design, and operation of water projects. The courses listed below present information in the fields of hydraulics and fluid mechanics, surface and groundwater hydrology, coastal engineering and the computer modeling of water resource systems. Graduates with a background in these areas find employment in both the private and public sectors. The courses also provide background for graduate study.

Hydrology and hydrodynamics senior year faculty mentoring session recordings

2021 session 2020 session

This is a general guide. Please consult your faculty mentor for more information.

Required courses

CEE 440 Professional Practice Studio 2
CEE 444 Water Resources and Hydraulic Engr Capstone Design Project, or another CEE capstone course options 5

Strongly recommended courses

CEE 465 Data Analysis in Water Sciences 4
CEE 473 Coastal Engineering I 3
CEE 474 Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 3
CEE 475 Analysis Techniques for Groundwater Flow 3
CEE 476 Physical Hydrology 3
CEE 481 Hydraulic Design for Environmental Engineering 3
CEE 498 Stormwater Management and Treatment 3

Recommended courses

CEE 432 Advanced Remote Sensing and Earth Observation 4
CEE437 Advanced Surveying 5
CEE467 Geospatial Data Analysis 5
CEE 477 Open-Channel Flow 3
CEE 478 Water Systems Management and Operations 3
CEE 480 Air Quality Modeling 3

For complete list of CEE courses, see Course Catalog.

Undergraduates with special interest in hydrology/hydrodynamics may be eligible to take some courses at the graduate level (with 500-level course numbers). Please consult with the faculty instructor for the course. Faculty permission and an add code is required to register for CEE 500-level classes. Submit the add code request online, note faculty permission and forward the email faculty approval to

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