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Current students

Final steps before you graduate

Undergraduates Master's (PMP) Master's (Thesis) Ph.D.


Apply for your degree

In order to formally graduate (i.e., earn your degree), students must apply for their degree. Upon completion of degree requirements, the degree will be posted to the student's UW transcript. Approximately two quarters prior to the quarter you intend to graduate, please contact your CEE Undergraduate Adviser at

Complete the CEE Student Survey

The survey will be sent out in May.

Master's (PMP)

Apply for your degree

In order to formally graduate (i.e., earn your degree), students must apply for their degree. This should be done by no later then the eighth week of the quarter a student intends to graduate. Students in the PMP program should select Master of Science in Civil Engineering, degree pathway 10-26, non-thesis option. Upon completion of degree requirements, your degree will be posted. Graduate Students who plan to graduate in the spring must submit a Master’s Degree Request to the Graduate School by the second Friday in April  in order for their name to appear in the UW Commencement program.

Submit an updated program plan

Students will work with their faculty adviser to complete a signed, updated program plan for their degree and submit it to the CEE Graduate advisers no later then the eighth week of the quarter a student intends to graduate.

Return Master's Committee Approval Form

Once CEE Graduate Advising has your program plan and degree request, they will send you your degree approval paperwork which will be signed by your adviser and one other faculty member.

Complete the CEE Exit Survey

Unless you are continuing on to the Ph.D. program, students are asked to complete the CEE Exit Survey. The survey is intended to capture information about students’ experiences in the program and plans for after graduation.

For more information, please see the Graduation Checklists section on Preparing to Graduate from the UW Graduate School.

Master's (Thesis)

In addition to the items above, there are a few additional items that Master's Thesis students need to complete in their final quarter.

Apply for your degree

In order to formally graduate (i.e., earn your degree), students must apply for their degree. This should be done by no later then the eighth week of the quarter a student intends to graduate. Students in the Thesis track program should select Master of Science in Civil Engineering, degree pathway 00-26, thesis option.  You will need to submit the title of your thesis at the time you request your degree.

Schedule your master's thesis defense

Your MSCE committee should be comprised of your faculty advisor and at least one other member of the graduate faculty at the UW.  Work with your committee to schedule a date, time and location for you MS thesis defense.  If you need assistance reserving a room you can work with your faculty advisor or contact the Graduate Advising Office.  Provide the following information to the Graduate Advisers at least one week before your exam: date, time, location, name of your Committee Chair(s), a brief abstract and title of your thesis. The Graduate Advising Office will send an announcement to CEE faculty and graduate students approximately one week before the exam date.

Submit your master's thesis

The last day of the quarter is the deadline to submit your ETD and Master’s Thesis Approval Form to the UW ETD Administrator Site (at 11:59 p.m.). Those who miss this deadline should refer to Policy 3.6: Graduate Registration Waiver; eligible students submit fee payment per instructions.


Schedule your Final Exam

In order to formally graduate (i.e., earn your degree), students must apply for their degree by submitting their PhD final exam request. Upon completion of degree requirements, your degree will be conferred by the Graduate School at the end of the quarter. Graduate Students who plan to graduate in the spring must submit a Doctoral Final Exam Request to the Graduate School by April 14 in order for their name to appear in the UW Commencement program.  You can find more details about the requirements for your PhD final exam on our PhD Milestones page.

Complete the CEE Exit Survey

Please complete the CEE Exit Survey. The survey is intended to capture information about students’ experiences in the program and plans for after graduation.

For more information, please see the Graduation Checklists section on Preparing to Graduate from the UW Graduate School.