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Computers available for Remote Desktop
- More 01A: 7:00pm to 6:30am
- More 01B: No restrictions
- More 320: To be determined based on the class schedules
Quick tips:
- If no computer labs are listed below, make sure you are connected to Husky OnNET VPN
- Select a computer lab: More 01A or 01B (For More 320, contact your instructor or CEE IT)
- Select the Connect button of an available computer
- Mac OS only: Open the downloaded *.rdp file (Requires Windows App, formerly called "Remote desktop")
- Login with your UW NetID credentials, in the format "NETID\<username>" and your UW NetID password.
Important notice:
- This resource is restricted to CEE students and instructors only.
- Remote Desktop users are logged out after 15 minutes of idle time.
- User profiles on any given computer are deleted on a nightly basis, so be sure to save your work online.
Computers available for in-person and remote access:
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