The Geotechnical Engineering laboratories have standard soil testing equipment including soil classification, compaction, consolidation, direct shear, permeability, unconfined compression and stress and strain controlled monotonic triaxial devices. Specialized research equipment includes:
- A CKC cyclic triaxial testing device capable of testing 7.1 cm diameter samples
- A SBEL (Stokoe) resonant column shear device for measuring dynamic soil properties
- A true triaxial device that can handle 9.5-inch cubic specimens
- A true triaxial device customized for testing partially saturated soils
- A ring simple shear device for measuring stress-strain and strength behavior at very large shear strain levels
- A consolidometer that can measure lateral stresses during compression in very soft soils
- Geosynthetics equipment for routine tests as well as specialized research on the filtration, separation, reinforcement properties of geosynthetics.


9" cubic device

4" cubic device
All devices are equipped with computer data acquisition systems. Equipment for extracting field samples is also available. A humidity room is available for storage of field samples.