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Joe P. Mahoney

Faculty Photo

Professor Emeritus
Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • (206) 685-1760
  • MOR 133D


Dr. Mahoney has worked in designing, constructing, and maintaining heavy infrastructure the pavement field for over 40 years. He teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses on a range of subjects including construction materials, pavement and airport design, construction-oriented statistical applications, and energy infrastructure. He is currently the Director of the Transportation and Construction Program and co-Director of the Distance Learning Masters of Construction Engineering. He is one of four founding members for Pavia Systems which specializes in online training for the construction industry and serves on the Board of Directors.

His primary research focus areas include transportation, construction, and energy infrastructure. Specific focus is on pavements including highway and airfield, pavement materials, pavement management systems, and highway funding issues.


  • Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1979
  • MSCE, Texas A&M University, 1970
  • BSCE, Texas A&M University, 1968