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Anne Goodchild

Faculty Photo

Director, Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Adjunct Professor
Industrial & Systems Engineering

Associate Chair for External Engagement
Civil & Environmental Engineering


Dr. Anne Goodchild leads the University of Washington's academic and research efforts in the area of supply chain, logistics, and freight transportation. She is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Founding Director of the Urban Freight Lab (UFL). Goodchild is an international expert in the area of public/private collaboration, and her approach to research has resulted in almost 100 novel publications. She is the recipient of the 2021 PacTrans Outstanding Researcher Award, the 2021 ITE Transportation Education Council Innovation in Education Award, the 2021 Transportation Research Board Urban Freight Committee Best Practical Implications Paper award, and 2020 Outstanding Mentor award from the University of Washington’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Transportation Club of Seattle’s, 2017 Person of the Year.


  • Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, 2005
  • M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, 2003
  • B.S. in Mathematics, UC Davis, 1995

Research Statement

Dr. Goodchild is interested in the intersection between supply chain management and freight transportation. As an example of this, recent research is evaluating the changing nature of shopping and implications for goods delivery on CO2 emissions, local pollutants, and vehicle miles travelled. Her interest in economic and environmental sustainability is also demonstrated by her work looking at CO2 emissions in strategic routing and schedule planning in urban pick-up and delivery systems. Dr. Goodchild’s work in understanding supply chains, as they relate to the transport system, is demonstrated by her research funded by the SHRP2 freight data and modeling program, NCFRP 20, the FHWA’s Behavioral based National Freight Demand Model, and surveys and analysis funded by both the Washington and Oregon Departments of Transportation.

As the founding director of the Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics Center and the Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics Online Master’s Program she leads the University of Washington’s academic efforts in the area of supply chain, logistics, and freight transportation.

Current projects

Final 50’

This research is analyzing processes, developing potential solutions, and piloting operational improvements in the final 50’ of the urban goods delivery system. The final 50’ of the urban delivery system begins at the city-owned curb, commercial vehicle load zone, or sidewalk; extends through privately-owned building freight bays; and may end in the common areas within a building such as the lobby. Several of this project’s most promising low-cost and high-value recommendations will be tested in the SCTL Urban Freight Lab – a living laboratory comprised of retailers, technology companies, goods delivery firms, building owner/operators, and cities.

Safe Truck Parking in PacTrans Interstate Corridors

I-5 and I-90:  This project will address the need for safe truck parking on interstate corridors in Washington, and recommend optimal locations for truck parking based on trip volumes, existing facilities, and safety analysis.

National Behaviorally-based Freight Model

This project is developing the first national freight model with behavioral components.  The model will assist long-term transportation planning at the national scale.

Multimodal Intersection Design

This project is developing a framework for evaluating intersection safety and efficiency, with the result being recommendations for infrastructure applications or modifications to improve safety of all users, particularly in cases of complex, non-standard intersection design.

Simulating Bike/truck Conflicts

This project is using a bicycle simulator to evaluate truck-bike interactions, particularly around commercial vehicle load zones.  A range of environments and infrastructure treatments will be evaluated in order to improve load zone design for cyclist safety.

Honors & awards

  • PacTrans Outstanding Researcher Award, 2021
  • ITE Transportation Education Council Innovation in Education Award, 2021
  • Transportation Research Board Urban Freight Committee Best Practical Implications Paper Award, 2021
  • Outstanding Mentor Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 2020
  • Transportation Club of Seattle’s 2017 Person of the Year
  • Allan and Inger Osberg Endowed Professorship, October 2012 - 2017
  • Junior Faculty Research, 2012 College of Engineering Community of Innovators Award
  • 2nd Prize, 2008, College-Industry Council on MH Education Outstanding Material Handling and Logistics paper
  • Dissertation Prize Honorable Mention, 2006, INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics
  • PRISMS Presentation Competition Finalist, 2003, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science
  • Selected Professions Dissertation Fellowship, 2005, American Association of University Women
  • Dissertation Fellowship, 2005, University of California Transportation Center
  • Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, 2003, United States Department of Transportation
  • Eno Transportation Foundation Fellow, 2003, Eno Transportation Foundation
  • Graduate Opportunities Fellowship, 2001, University of California Transportation Center
