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Spring 2023 Edition

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A Mobile Unit for Sensing Traffic (MUST) sensor sitting in the foreground and two researchers working on laptops in the background

Fighting fatalities with facts

Along a dangerous highway corridor in the heart of Yakima Valley, a sensing device developed by the UW STAR Lab and associated spin-off company AIWaysion is being utilized to help save lives.

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The exterior of a 10-story building constructed from mass timber

A timber triumph: Seismically resilient and sustainable

It may sound like a tall order: a seismically resilient and sustainable mid-rise building constructed entirely out of timber. But a team of researchers is proving that this is indeed feasible by testing a 10-story building.

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A researcher standing in a rice paddy

CEE strategic plan: 2023-2027

To guide the department’s activities, academics and research for the next five years, CEE’s strategic plan is now in place after a yearlong effort by students, faculty, staff, alumni, leadership and other partners.

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Chair’s message

CEE Chair Bart Nijssen reflects on his goals for his first year as chair, including the completion of the department's new strategic plan, rebuilding community and student recruitment.

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A course of action

Four faculty share how they have incorporated diversity, equity and inclusion content into their classes. The past few years, they’ve been busy updating existing courses and developing new classes from scratch.

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Center news

From the Urban Freight Lab's work to digitize the curb to the RAPID Center’s gathering of perishable data at Yellowstone, CEE centers continue to innovate.

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Building bridges: Meet alumna Amy Leland

In addition to overseeing more than 3,000 bridges throughout the state of Washington in her position as the new State Bridge Design Engineer, alumna Amy Leland is also the first woman to hold this position.

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Alumnus Alexander Ratcliff returns as graduation keynote speaker

A desire planted during Alexander Ratcliff’s (BSEnvE ‘19) undergraduate years has continued to grow and flourish in his early career — to create a more sustainable world.

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Awards & accolades

Congratulations to students and faculty who have received awards, scholarships and other honors.

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Enjoy the video: Evans lecture

Professor Rafael Bras from the Georgia Institute of Technology discusses a multibillion-dollar project to protect Venice, Italy, from floods, which have increased dramatically during the past 100 years. Read more »


The Bridge is the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


