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Autumn 2022 Edition

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Professor Jessica Lundquist and scientist Steve Oncley setting up a sensor

Snow sleuths

This fall, CEE researchers descended on a small town in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains to prepare for a winter of data-gathering to improve water resources modeling by investigating missing snow.

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I-5 leading into Downtown Seattle at night

Bridging the gap: Impact of M9 earthquake on bridges

A new study by CEE researchers predicts that following a M9 earthquake, there will be widespread damage to bridges close to the fault region, but less damage overall throughout Western Washington.

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Amelia Regan and Bethany Gordon

New faculty

This autumn quarter, the CEE community welcomed two new faculty: Amelia Regan and Bethany Gordon. Learn how they became interested in engineering, and their research and teaching focus.

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Chair’s message

Department chair Bart Nijssen shares his priorities, including rebuilding community following COVID-19 and implementing a strategic plan that will guide the department's activities for the next five years.

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Two faculty retirements

After more than 40 years in the department, Professors Tim Larson and Joe Mahoney have retired. During their tenure, both faculty made notable accomplishments and advancements in their fields.

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Building community: Remembering Bill Conner

Alumnus William Conner is remembered as a leader in the home building industry as well as for his support of students and faculty through philanthropic gifts.

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Rising to the challenge: New student support fund

To honor the legacy of alumnus Richard Partington, who wasn’t afraid of a challenge both in his personal and professional lives, his family has established a student support fund for undergraduates.

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Research recap

CEE researchers deploy wave sensors in Florida to improve Hurricane forecasts, work collaboratively to address climate change through the new Computing for the Environment initiative and more.

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Center news

From the RAPID Center’s testing of new technology to Future Rivers graduate students attending the first Summer Field Institute, CEE centers and initiatives continue to innovate.

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Awards & accolades

Congratulations to students and faculty who have received awards, scholarships and other honors.

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Enjoy the video: 2022 Wenk Lecture

Enjoy the video of Carnegie Mellon University Professor Paulina Jaramillo’s talk titled “An Open Energy Outlook for the United States,” which highlights the importance of achieving carbon neutrality. Read more »


The Bridge is the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


