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Autumn 2020 Edition

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Two researchers standing in a steam while doing research

Saving the salmon

CEE researchers answer a decades-old question: what causes the annual death of coho salmon exposed to stormwater?

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An extraordinary expedition

Alumna Madison Smith advances climate change research as part of the largest polar expedition in history.

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Remembering Nirnimesh Kumar

Described as a “rising star in the field” by his colleagues, assistant professor Nirnimesh (“Nirni”) Kumar made substantial contributions to the field of physical oceanography in a short amount of time.

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Chair’s message

Department chair Laura Lowes reflects on how the CEE community continues to embrace remote learning and research while also actively working to build an even better department.

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Research response: COVID-19

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, several CEE faculty have shifted their focus to working on projects aimed at creating and informing a more resilient community.

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After 37 years at UW, vice dean Greg Miller retires

During vice dean and CEE professor Greg Miller's tenure, he spent 13 years in leadership positions, serving as interim dean, vice dean, associate dean and CEE department chair.

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New faculty member Travis Thonstad

For the past four years, incoming civil and environmental engineering faculty member Travis Thonstad worked for an organization with a mission focused on advancing innovation.

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Children’s books aim to increase diversity in STEM

To encourage a more diverse community of engineers, scientists and doctors, CEE professor Faisal Hossain is leveraging the power of storytelling to inspire children to pursue careers in the sciences.

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Center news

From SCTL’s new parcel pick-up lockers in Belltown to PacTrans’ new transportation training program, CEE’s centers continue to innovate.

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Investing in future CEE students

To enhance the student experience, both college-wide and department-level initiatives are underway to improve learning facilities for future CEE students.

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Enjoy the videos: Wenk and Evans lectures

Experts discuss resilient building and post-disaster reconstruction, and how infrastructure supports public health and prosperity.

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Awards & accolades

Congratulations to students and faculty who have received awards, scholarships and other honors.

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The Bridge is the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


