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Julian Marshall honored with 2022 Environmental Science and Technology Letters Best Paper Award

By Julia Davis
October 18, 2023

The award-winning paper focuses on the link between redlining and air pollution disparities in cities across the U.S.

two graphs side-by-side with the title of 'Modern air pollution disparities in historically redlined areas'. The graph on the left has the text of '202 redlining maps drawn in the 1930s'. The graph on the right has the text of 'Air pollution in 2010 increases with 1930s redlining grade'

Historical redlining is associated with present-day air pollution disparities in U.S. cities. / Photo courtesy of Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

In a recent announcement, Environmental Science and Technology Letters awarded CEE Professor Julian Marshall a 2022 Best Paper Award for his research, titled "Historical Redlining Is Associated with Present-Day Air Pollution Disparities in U.S. Cities." The research uncovers the disturbing link between redlining — a racially discriminatory mortgage appraisal practice from the 1930s — and present-day air pollution disparities in 202 U.S. cities. His study underscores how communities of color, especially Black and Hispanic populations, bear the brunt of these long-term environmental repercussions. The paper sheds light on how historical injustices continue to influence current environmental conditions, posing health disparities in marginalized communities.

Marshall’s research focuses on exposure assessment, with the goal of understanding the scope of pollution exposure and devising strategies for its reduction. At the heart of Marshall's work lies a commitment to environmental justice. He explores who faces higher pollution exposure, the correlation of exposure with attributes such as race or income, and how changes in emissions might bridge existing exposure gaps.

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Read the award-winning paper here.