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Laura Lowes appointed new CEE department chair

July 6, 2017

Laura LowesLaura Lowes

From the desk of Dean Mike Bragg:

I am pleased to announce that Laura Lowes, the William M. and Marilyn M. Conner Professor in CEE, has accepted the position of Chair of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, effective September 1, 2017, subject to the approval of the Provost.  

Laura has provided leadership in the department as associate chair since 2015, and her experience and dedication to the mission and excellence of CEE will serve the department and college well. Laura’s research is in the field of structural engineering, focusing on computational modeling of reinforced concrete structures with an emphasis on safety and resilience in the context of earthquakes and other natural hazards. She currently has leadership roles in multiple national research consortia, and she is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute. I am very confident that Laura’s leadership will move the department toward even greater success in the years ahead.

I appreciate the time and effort of the search committee, Linda Boyle (chair), Jeff Berman, Katie Bunten, Anne Goodchild, Julian Marshall and Rebecca Neumann. I would also like to thank all who shared input and opinions with the committee and me during the selection process.

Finally, I would like to thank Tim Larson, who has very capably led the department as interim chair for the past several months.

Please join us in welcoming Laura to her new position as Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Best regards,

Michael B. Bragg, Ph.D.
Frank & Julie Jungers Dean of Engineering 
College of Engineering 
University of Washington