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UW CEE Celebrates Two Faculty Retirements

June 1, 2016

A picture of Professor David Stensel, Department Chair Greg Miller and Professor Mark Benjamin, from left.
Professor David Stensel, Department Chair Greg Miller and Professor Mark Benjamin(from left to right)

The UW CEE Community celebrated the retirements of two faculty members at the department’s spring mixer on June 9, 2016. Mark Benjamin retires after 39 years with the department and David Stensel retires after 32 years. Department Chair Greg Miller presented both with gifts and shared highlights about each faculty member. From authoring textbooks to founding a start-up to advancing research, both Benjamin and Stensel have achieved much during their tenure in UW CEE. Learn more about the accomplishments of each below.

Farewell, thank you and good luck to both in retirement!

Civil Engeneering Faculty and staff studio portrait
Professor Mark Benjamin

Professor Mark Benjamin
After 39 years with UW CEE, Professor Mark Benjamin is retiring. Benjamin joined the faculty in 1977 and during his tenure has advanced water treatment research, founded a start-up, written two textbooks and assisted with humanitarian aid projects through Engineers Without Borders. Learn more.

Civil Engeneering Faulty and staff studio portrait
Professor David Stensel

Professor David Stensel
Professor David Stensel is retiring from UW CEE after 32 years with the department. Stensel joined the UW CEE faculty in 1984 and has been an expert in biological processes in removing contaminants from wastewater, enabling cleaner water to be returned to the environment. He has authored a textbook and received numerous awards. Learn more.