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Research facilities

CEE houses multiple research facilities that provide services to UW researchers and are also available to the larger scientific and research community, including other universities, government agencies and private companies.

Available for industry and general public use

The following facilities offer specialized equipment that may be utilized for a variety of needs, from industry members performing tests on new structural systems to investigators collecting data following natural disasters. Each entity has an established list of services and a fee schedule.

The X-ray Computed Tomography Laboratory

Features the largest CT scanner on the UW campus, the NSI X5000 scanning system, a powerful instrument used for visualizing internal components of objects. The lab features two X-ray sources, a microfocus which allows energies up to 225 kV, and a more powerful but coarser resolution X-ray source with voltages up to 450 kV.

Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory

A versatile facility for performing large-scale structural engineering experiments on civil infrastructure components and systems; a strong floor and strong wall can be used to apply large static and dynamic loads. A digital servo-controlled 2.4 million pound Universal Testing Machine called “Big Baldwin” is used for research and commercial tests.

Natural Hazards Reconnaissance Experimental Facility (RAPID)

Provides investigators with equipment, software and support services needed to collect, process and analyze perishable data from natural hazards events.

Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)

Serving as a link among government agencies, university researchers and the private sector, the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) coordinates and supports research efforts both locally and nationally. TRAC-UW helps researchers make connections within the University of Washington, Washington State Department of Transportation, and other public and private organizations. TRAC also provides proposal and report writing, editing and documentation services.

Additional equipment

CEE is also home to multiple research laboratories with unique equipment and researcher expertise. While these laboratories primarily serve internal CEE research projects, UW researchers and industry may contract with UW faculty or staff to utilize available services and equipment for activities substantially related to the education mission of the university. Laboratories of potential interest include: