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Research areas

Guiding our research: Grand Challenges

As part of the CEE strategic plan, four Grand Challenges have been identified to encourage CEE students and faculty to design solutions for the future by addressing pressing societal needs.

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plant samples

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering focuses on protecting and preserving the environment through water quality research, air pollution control, wastewater management and more.

stream with waterfall

Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

Hydrology research focuses on the quality and distribution of surface water, groundwater and water management in urban environments. Hydrodynamics explores the properties of fluids in motion.

bridge over gorge

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Structural engineers focus on evaluating the structural integrity of built structures such as buildings and bridges. They also design more resilient structures to withstand hazards such as earthquakes.

traffic on highway

Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineers solve transportation problems affecting all modes of travel, with a focus on intelligent transportation systems, infrastructure construction and freight and logistics.

cranes in a city

Construction, Energy and Sustainable Infrastructure

Construction, Energy and Sustainable Infrastructure researchers address pressing needs of society related to some of the biggest infrastructure challenges.

rocky island

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineers study the behavior of earth materials, focusing on geotechnical earthquake engineering, geologic hazards, soil mechanics, foundation engineering and reinforced soil systems.