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Professor Emeritus Steve Kramer serves as graduation keynote speaker

May 29, 2024

Professor Emeritus Steve Kramer

Professor Emeritus Steve Kramer

On June 1, CEE held its graduation celebration at the Alaska Airlines Arena in the Hec Edmundson Pavilion on campus. The event celebrated nearly 300 students receiving bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorate degrees from the department. Professor Emeritus Steve Kramer served as the keynote speaker for the event.

Kramer’s research in geotechnical engineering throughout his career has significantly advanced our understanding of soil liquefaction, seismic hazard analysis and earthquake engineering education. His role in developing seismic risk assessment methodologies and his authorship of the textbook "Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering" have cemented his status as an expert in the field. Kramer's academic and professional achievements have been recognized through numerous awards and honors, including the ASCE Norman Medal and election to the National Academy of Engineering.

Beyond his research and publications, Kramer has been a catalyst for change in global engineering practices through his involvement in numerous international projects and collaborations. One notable example is his contribution to earthquake risk reduction initiatives in Japan and Turkey, where his expertise in seismic hazard analysis helped develop innovative earthquake-resistant construction methods. These efforts have led to safer infrastructure in regions prone to seismic activities.

During his keynote address, Kramer shared insights from his career and offered graduates advice on navigating the evolving landscapes of civil and environmental engineering with innovation and creativity, leaving them ready to embark on their own professional journeys.