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Gregory Vladimir Korshin

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Civil & Environmental Engineering


Professor Gregory Korshin obtained his Master’s degree in Physics from Kazan State University and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Kazan State Technological University, both in Kazan, Russia. He has been working at the University of Washington since then. He has been involved in research concerned with the characterization of natural organic matter, NOM halogenation reactions that cause the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), development of on-line methods to monitor processes affecting water quality, corrosion in drinking water, environmental chemistry of heavy metals and radionuclides, advanced oxidation processes and development of new approaches for quantitation of the degradation of trace-level pharmaceuticals and other organic contaminants in wastewater. Prof. Korshin has published over a hundred fifty refereed publications, a large fraction of them in Water Research and Environmental Science & Technology. He has contributed to research supported by Water Research Foundation, Water ReUse Foundation, National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other organizations. Prof. Korshin is a member of the editorial board of the journal Water Research. He has held invited positions in universities in Australia, China, France and Italy.


  • Ph.D., Kirov State Technological University, Kazan, Russia, 1984
  • M.S., Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia, 1978
  • B.S., Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia, 1976

Previous appointments

  • Peking University (Visiting Professor)
  • University of South Australia (Visiting Professor)
  • University of Paris VII Diderot (Visiting Professor)

Research Statement

Gregory Korshin's research has been focused on microscopic-level examination of complex environmental reactions, their modeling and development of new methods to treat drinking water and wastewater. The methods developed in his group include differential optical spectroscopy that is especially useful to examine effects of halogenation and advanced oxidation on contaminants in drinking water and wastewater. Another focus is on the release of heavy metals in drinking water and their speciation in the environment. His recent activities continue address these issues and also have branched into new research venues, for instance the chemistry and treatment of contaminated groundwater, and development of new methods to characterize airborne pollutants.

Current projects

Removal of arsenic and co-occuring contaminants from landfill leachate and landfill gas condensate

Membrane processes for the next decade's challenges in the water sector

Select publications

  1. Liu, Siqi, Wenqing Han, G.V.Korshin (2020). Effects of Fulvic Acids on the Electrochemical Reactions and Mass Transfer Properties of Organic Cation Toluidine Blue: Results of Measurements by the Method of Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode. Water Research, 181: 116151
  2. Ruffino, Barbara; Gregory V. Korshin; Mariachiara Zanetti (2020) Use of Spectroscopic Indicators for the Prediction of Bromate Generation in Ozonated Wastewater Containing Variable Concentrations of Bromide. Water Research, 182: 116009
  3. Li, Wei, Baoling Lyu, Jiping Li, Meng Zhang, Yinlong Zhang, Pingping Li, Jiangang Han, G.V.Korshin (2020) Photodegradation of roxithromycin in the presence of dissolved organic matter: characterization of the degradation products and toxicity evaluation. Science of the Total Environment, 733: 139348
  4. Li, Manjie, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, G.V.Korshin, (2020) Effects of alkalinity, chloride and sulfate on the stability and metal release from corrosion scales in condition of stagnation and flow. Water Research, 175: 115675
  5. Mahamuni, Gaurav; Rutherford, Jay; Davis, Justin; Molnar, Eric; Posner, Jonathan; Seto, Edmund; Korshin, Gregory; Novosselov, Igor (2020) Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy for Analysis of Chemical Composition of Combustion Generated Particulate Matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (13): 8198-8209
  6. Li, Manjie, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, G.V.Korshin, (2020) Effects of varying temperatures and alkalinities on the corrosion and heavy metal release from low-lead galvanized steel. Environmental Science - Water Research & Technology, 27: 2412-2422
  7. Zhang, Chenyang; Chen, Bingya; Korshin, Gregory; Kuznetsov, Andrey; Roccaro, Paolo; Yan, Mingquan; Ni, Jinren (2020) Comparison of the Yields of Mono-, Di- and Tri-Chlorinated HAAs and THMs in Chlorination and Chloramination Based on Experimental and Quantum-Chemical Data. Water Research, 169, 115100
  8. Liu, Haizhou, G.V.Korshin (2019) Controlling the Colloidal Stability of PbO2 and Associated Lead Release in Drinking Water Distribution Systems. Environmental Science: Water Research and Treatment, 5, 1262-1269
  9. Masliy, A.N., A.M. Kuznetsov, G.V. Korshin (2019) The intrinsic mechanisms of the catalytic oxidation of arsenite by hydroxyl radicals in the H3AsO3-CO32-/HCO3--H2O system: a quantum chemical examination. Chemosphere, 238: 124466
  10. Xie, Xiaoyun, M.Q.Yan, H.G.Guo, G.V.Korshin (2019) Interactions between Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Organic Cations: Effects of NOM Charges on the Binding of Toluidine Blue. Chemosphere, 236: 124272
  11. Yu Huang, Ji Wu, Shi Cheng, Ya-Ping Wu, De-Lin Zhang, Yan Li, Yang Pan, Zong-Li Huo, Ji-Chun Wu, Xian-Chuan Xie, Gregory V. Korshin, Ai-Min Li, Wen-Tao Li (2019) Developing surrogate indicators for predicting suppression of halophenols formation potential and abatement of estrogenic activity during ozonation of water and wastewater. Water Research, 161: 152-160
  12. Guo, Hongguang, X.Tang, G.Ganschow, G.V.Korshin (2019) Differential ATR FTIR Spectroscopy of Membrane Fouling: Contributions of Fouling Films and Correlations between Their Spectroscopic Properties and Transmembrane Pressure. Water Research, 161: 27-34
  13. Fabbricino, M., Yan, M., & Korshin, G. V. (2019). Effects of chlorination on the fluorescence of seawater: Pronounced changes of emission intensity and their relationships with the formation of disinfection byproducts. Chemosphere, 218, 430-437
  14. Young, Tessora R.,Wentao Li, A. Guo, G.V.Korshin, M.C.Dodd (2018) Characterization of Disinfection Byproduct Formation and Associated Changes to Dissolved Organic Matter During Solar Photolysis of Free Available Chlorine. Water Research, 146: 317-326
  15. Korshin, G.V., Mingquan Yan (2018) Electrochemical Dehalogenation of Disinfection By-Products and Iodine-Containing Contrast Media: A Review. Environmental Engineering Research, 23 (4), 345-343
  16. Kuznetsov, An.M., A.N.Masliy, G.V.Korshin (2018) Quantum-chemical calculations of Pb(II) hydration properties: structure, hydration energies and pKa value. Journal of Molecular Modeling 24: 193-205
  17. Yan, Mingquan, Zhanghao Chen, Na Li, Yuxuan Zhou, Chenyang Zhang, G.V.Korshin (2018) Electrochemical Reductive Dehalogenation of Iodine-Containing Contrast Agent Pharmaceuticals: Examination of Reactions of Diatrizoate and Iopamidol using the Method of Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode (RRDE). Water Research, 136: 104-111
  18. Yan, Mingquan, Yujuan Lu, G.V.Korshin (2017). Spectroscopic Study of Mechanisms of Interactions of Lead (II) Ions with Dissolved Organic Matter and Optimization of Pb(II)-DOM Equilibrium Constants. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 213, 308-316
  19. Massimiliano Sgroi, Roccaro, P., Korshin, G.V., Vagliasindi, F.G.A. (2017) Monitoring the Behavior of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater-Impacted Rivers Based on the Use of Fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrixes (EEM). Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (8), 4306-4316

Honors & awards

  • Fulbright U.S./Italy Scholarship award, March 2014
  • Distinguished Foreign Expert Award of Peking University/Chinese Ministry of Education, August 2013
  • Australian International Center of Excellence in Water Resource Management Visiting Scholar Award, September 2007, 2011
  • Fresh Ideas Best poster presentation at Annual Conference of American Water Works Association, San Diego, CA June 2009
  • Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Invited Professor Award, 2008.
  • Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory (EMSL) Fellowship, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2003