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BSCE Technical Electives

Construction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure  Transportation Engineering  Geotechnical Engineering  Structural Engineering  Hydrology & Hydrodynamics  Environmental Engineering  Non-Area Specific

Technical Electives are CEE 400-level courses that provide students with in-depth knowledge and design experience.

For breadth, students are required to satisfy an area requirement by taking at least one course from three of the six designated areas of emphasis (Construction, Environmental, Geotechnical, Hydrology/Hydrodynamics, Structural, and Transportation). Additional 400-level CEE Technical Elective courses (including those listed in the Non-Area Specific category) will count toward the Technical Electives requirement until 15 credits are reached.

Once the Technical Electives requirement is satisfied, additional credits from the lists below will count toward the Engineering & Science Electives requirement.

* Courses with an asterisk are listed across multiple areas. Students can only apply these courses toward one area.

Construction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure

CEE 408 Sustainable Roadway Design and Construction 3
CEE 424 GIS for Civil Engineering 3
CEE 433*

Design and Construction of Temporary Structures (Can apply toward construction or structures)

CEE 434 Project Estimating 3
CEE 435 Project Scheduling  3
CEE 454* Design of Timber Structures (can apply toward construction or structures) 3

Transportation Engineering

CEE 410 Traffic Engr Fundamentals 3
CEE 412 Trans Data Mgmt 3
CEE 415 Machine Learning for Civil Engineers  3
CEE 416 Urban Transportation Planning and Design  3

Geotechnical Engineering

CEE 436 Foundation Design 3

Structural Engineering

CEE 378 Structural Analysis 5
CEE 433* Design and Construction of Temporary Structures (Can apply toward structures or construction) 3
CEE 451 Design of Metal Structures 3
CEE 452 Design Reinf Concrete Structures 3
CEE 453 Prestressed Concrete Design 3
CEE 454* Design Timber Structures (Can apply toward structures or construction) 3
CEE 457 Advanced Structures I 3

Hydrology & Hydrodynamics (Water)

CEE 432 Advanced Remote Sensing and Earth Observation 4
CEE 437 Advanced Surveying 5
CEE 465* Data Analysis in Water Sciences (Can apply toward hydrology or environmental) 3
CEE 467* Geospatial Data Analysis (Can apply toward environmental or hydrology) 5
CEE 473 Coastal Engineering 3
CEE 474 Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 3
CEE 475 Analysis Techniques for Groundwater Flow 3
CEE 476 Physical Hydrology 3
CEE 477 Open-Channel Flow  3
CEE 478 Water Systems Management and Operations 3
CEE 480* Air Quality Modeling  (Can apply toward hydrology or environmental) 3
CEE 481* Hydraulic Design for Environmental Engineering (Can apply toward hydrology or environmental) 3

Environmental Engineering

CEE 437 Advanced Surveying 5
CEE 462 Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Freshwater 3
CEE 465* Data Analysis in Water Sciences (Can apply toward environmental or hydrology) 3
CEE467* Geospatial Data Analysis (Can apply toward environmental or hydrology) 5
CEE 480* Air-Quality Modeling (Can apply toward environmental or hydrology) 3
CEE 481* Hydraulic Design for Environmental Engineering (Can apply toward environmental or hydrology) 3
CEE 482 Wastewater Reuse and Resource Recovery 3
CEE 483 Drinking Water Treatment 3
CEE 490 Air Pollution Control 4

Non-Area Specific

CEE 401 Pavement Design for Roads 1
CEE 402 Energy Infrastructure 1
CEE 403 Sustainable and Recyclable Materials  1
CEE 463 Limnology Laboratory 2
CEE 498/499 Grand Challenges Impact Lab (Study Abroad and Local) 5