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Environmental Engineering Degree Requirements

Print version: Environmental Engineering degree requirements

Research Track (Thesis Option) Professional Master's Program (Coursework Option)
  • 33 credits of coursework
  • 9 credits of CEE 700 – Master's Thesis (max 12 credits with faculty approval)
  • 42 credits of coursework

Coursework requirements

  • 18 credits minimum 500 level coursework
  • 18 credits minimum of 400-500 level coursework
  • All CEWA coursework (except seminars) taken for numeric grade
  • Seminar courses are optional for all degrees
  • Maximum 2 credits of ENGR 601 allowed with faculty advisor approval

GPA requirements

  • 2.7 minimum grade for a course to count
  • 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA overall

Other requirements:

  • 6 credits maximum of approved transfer credits
  • No more than 2 credits of seminar to count towards degree
  • 6 year max to complete degree (including official On Leave status)
  • 300 and below coursework does not count towards a graduate degree
  • 499 credits do not count towards a graduate degree
Course # Course Name Credits
CEWA 540 Microbiological Process Fundamentals 3
CEWA 543 Aquatic Chemistry 4
CEWA 545 Environmental Organic Chemistry 3
Course # Course Name Credits
CEWA 541 Biological Treatment Systems 3
CEWA 544 Physical-Chemical Treatment Processes 4
CEWA 547 Lake & Watershed Management 3
CEWA 549 Adv Topics in Enviro Eng, Chem, and Bio 3
CEWA 582 Wastewater Reuse & Resource Recovery 3
Course # Course Name Credits
CEE 462 Applied Limnology & Pollutant Effects on Freshwater 3
CEWA 596 Fate & Transport of Chem in the Enviro 3
CEWA 532 Adv Remote Sensing & Earth Observation 4
CEWA 547 Lake & Watershed Management 3
CEWA 576 Physical Hydrology 4
Course # Course Name Credits
ATM S 501 Fund of Physics & Chem of the Atmosphere 5
ATM S 558 Atmospheric Chemistry 3
CEE 480 Air Quality Modeling 3
CEE 490 Air Pollution Control 4
CET 588 Energy Infrastructure and the Environment 3
CEWA 557 Air Resources Management 3
CEWA 560 Risk Assess for Enviro Health Hazards 3-4
ENV H 548 Community Air Pollution 3
ENV H 552 Env. Chemistry of Pollution 4
ENV H 555 Industrial Hygiene Measurement Lab 3

Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, Environmental and Forest Sciences

The remaining course requirements for the MSCE degree can be satisfied by any 5XX and some 4XX courses in the CEWA program, as well as a variety of relevant courses from other departments at the UW. Students are encouraged to explore the availability of these courses and decide on an individual plan of study that balances depth and breadth, in line with the student's career goals, with guidance and approval from their faculty adviser.

Note: This is not a comprehensive list but rather suggestions for some relevant courses. Refer to the UW Time Schedule or the corresponding department for course offering details.