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Hydrology & Hydrodynamics Degree Requirements

Print version: Hydrology & Hydrodynamics degree requirements

Research Track
(Thesis option)
Professional Master's Program (Coursework Option)
33 credits of coursework
9 credits of CEE 700 – Master's Thesis (max 12 credits with faculty approval)
42 credits of coursework

Coursework requirements

  • 18 credits minimum 500 level coursework
  • 18 credits minimum of 400-500 level coursework
  • 300 and below coursework does not count towards a graduate degree
  • 499 credits do not count toward a graduate degree
  • All CEWA coursework (except seminars) taken for numeric grade
  • No more than 2 credits of seminar to count towards degree
  • Maximum 2 credits of ENGR 601 allowed with faculty advisor approval

GPA requirements

  • 2.7 minimum grade for a course to count
  • 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA

Other requirements

  • 6 credits maximum of approved transfer credits
  • 6 year max to complete degree (including official On Leave status)

Course #Course Name
CEWA 565Data Analysis in Water Sciences
CEWA 596Fate & Transport of Chem in the Enviro
CEWA 576Hydraulics of Sediment Transport
CEWA 577Open Channel Engineering (4)
CEWA 578Water Res Sys Manage & Ops or
CEWA 579Quantitative Water Management


Course #Course Name
CEE 424GIS for Civil Engineers
CEE 475Analysis Tech for Groundwater Flow
CEE 481Hydraulic Design for Env Engrs
CEWA 537Advanced Surveying
CEWA 566Sat Remote Sensing for Water Res
CEWA 568Snow Hydrology
CEWA 564Advanced Hydrology
CEWA 567Geospatial Data Analysis
ESS 421Introduction to Geological Remote Sensing
ESS 426Fluvial Geomorphology
SEFS 507Soils & Land Use Problems
SEFS 520GIS in Forest Resources
URBDP 526Floodplain Management and Planning for Coastal and River Communities


Course #Course Name
CEWA 570Hydrodynamics
CEWA 572Numerical Modeling of Hydrodynamics
CEWA 573Water Wave Mech for Coastal Eng
CEWA 574Hydraulics of Sediment Transport
AA 543Computational Fluid Dynamics
ME 543Fluid Turbulence
OCEAN 511Fluid Dynamics
OCEAN 512Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
CEWA 590Field Measurements for Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

Fate & Transport

Course #Course Name
CEE 462Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Freshwater
CEE 483Drinking Water Treatment
CEWA 540Microbiological Process Fundamentals
CEWA 543Aquatic Chemistry
CEWA 545Environmental Organic Chemistry
CEWA 549Adv Topics in Enviro Eng, Chem, and Bio
CEWA 550Environmental Chemical Modeling
CEWA 580Water-Quality Management
SEFS 507Soils & Land Use Problems