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Current students

Graduate Student Continuation Policy: Master's Students

To maintain status in the program, graduate students must make satisfactory progress toward their degree which includes maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstration of progress toward their degree (i.e. passing the Qualifying Exam and General Exam), and meeting Graduate School time-to-degree requirements. An annual review will be conducted by the Advising Office and if the student's progress is other than satisfactory, one of the following actions will be taken:

1st quarter

Unsatisfactory Progress Warning. The student will receive a warning letter via email and postal mail (with cc to faculty adviser and department GPC). A copy of the letter will be placed in the student’s academic file in the department.

2nd quarter

Probation. The student will receive a probation letter (with cc to faculty adviser and the department GPC). The Graduate School will also be notified. A copy of the letter will be placed in the student’s academic file in the department. The student will be expected to work with his/her faculty adviser to arrive at a plan to address low scholarship or other progress issues. A written plan needs to be submitted to the Graduate Advising Office, 201 More Hall, by the 2nd week of the next quarter.

3rd quarter

Final Probation. If the student’s GPA remains below the Graduate School 3.0 minimum, and the student has failed to meet other requirements as stated in the probation letter, (i.e. failed to meet with their faculty adviser, or failed to turn in the written plan to the Advising Office) the student will be placed on final probation. The student will receive a final probation letter (with cc to faculty adviser and the department GPC). The Graduate School will also be notified. A copy of the letter will be place in the student’s academic file in the department.

4th quarter

Drop. If the student’s GPA continues to remains below 3.0 the department will notify the Graduate School that the student will be dropped from the graduate program, unless other extenuating circumstances exist. Students are strongly encouraged to maintain regular communication with their faculty adviser or to contact the Graduate Program Coordinator or the Advising Office if there are extenuating circumstances (personal, health issues, etc.). The department is eager to assist students to succeed in the program.