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Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Program Advising

Starting with pre-enrollment through graduation day, advising staff assist students throughout their college career. Navigating the application process and course planning are just a few of their specialties. If you need assistance, or just have a quick question, please reach out to an adviser below:

Schedule an appointment

Current CEE graduate students may schedule an appointment with a CEE Advisor by following the calendar links below. If you do not see a time that works with your schedule, please email us at Students can see any of the advisors for appointments. Prospective students, please email for availability. Our ability to meet with prospective students is not guaranteed.

Schedule appointment

You may log-in with your UW email or Gmail account. Be sure your calendar is set to Pacific Standard Time. Select your desired time slot and enter your full name, student ID number, contact information (email preferred), and a brief reason for your visit.

Please note: we ask that you request your appointment time at least one day in advance. We do not schedule same day appointments.

Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Advisers

Bryan Crockett
Director of Academic Services
More Hall 201

Anna Egeland
Graduate Academic Adviser
More 201F

Special Program Advisers

Kimbo Smith
Online Graduate Program Adviser